Hello There! I am Amruta. Thanks for visiting my blogs and reading my food recipe articles. I hope you like the food recipes I share through my blogs at FoodQuench.


I am a Software Engineer by profession and this website, FoodQuench, has originated as a hobby to share my love for food. I am strictly vegetarian, to the extent that I can’t even dream of a non-vegetarian food, no chance. That’s the reason you will see only vegetarian recipes at FoodQuench.

My motive is that I share healthy and tasty food recipes through my blogs which you can prepare easily at home. At times, there could be a few recipes which will be a bit time consuming to cook but don’t worry, those will taste the best.

I would appreciate if you have any suggestions for me to include, any specific blogs and articles you would like to know about, just send me an email and I will try my best to include those.

FoodQuench.com is my space on internet to share the food recipes I love to try, and I try to keep them as healthy as possible (though you will see that I get deviated from this motive at times). I also love to travel so you will see some travel blogs from me about my journey to different places too.

I would love to see your recipes and travel experiences on social media too, tag FoodQuench on your posts about food recipes and travel. Keep in touch and do follow FoodQuench on social media.